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What’s the difference between Work and Job?

Work is both a verb and a noun.  Job is also both a verb and a noun but it’s more common to use it as a noun.

Work has a very general meaning, job is much more specific, and its most common meaning is the name for the work that we do to earn money.  For example:  José got a new job. He is a digital planner in a big media agency.

Although your job is the name for what you do to earn money, it can also mean a specific task that you have to do.  For example:  I have a few jobs to finish today. I need to fill in the template, file my follow-up report and update the database.

JOB – noun

1.  A piece of work, especially a specific task.  For example:  His job was to cut the grass.

2.  A post of employment.  For example:  She was looking for a job as a Planner.

WORK – noun

1.  Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish(lograr) something.  For example:  In the end, it was harder work than they realized.

2.  Something on which exertion or labor is spent.  For example:  The students finished their work in class.

3.  Employment, especially as a way of earning money.  For example:  He looked for work for many months.

4.  A place of employment.  For example:  Don’t phone me at work.

WORK – verb

1.  To do work.  To labor.  For example:  I worked all night to finish the campaign.

2.  To be employed, especially as a way of earning a livelihood(sustento).  For example:  He hasn’t worked for six weeks.

Let me know if you find this useful or if you would like me to contrast and explain any other confusing words.